Hello Pretty Mommies!
Knitted cotton dress and a matching lil' gal panty for Ila DD.
Instead of CD, she opted for a matching panty for her 24months old DD.
I hope she likes it.
Thanks darl! :)
And those shorties are made for Mei.
I particularly like the one with Rat sewn at the back of the shorties since well...it's my first rat!
Mei requested a picture of rat on the shorties since her baby was born in the Rat Year of the Chinese calender.
There you go Mei, my first rat and now it's all yours darl. :)
Oh btw, I will upload pictures of some new fabrics I have PLUS MrsPweetty first contest ad tutorial soon.
New Fabric? Contest? Tutorial? Yup!
Overwhelming huh? I Know!!
Stay tuned mommies!
lynn.amalina@gmail.com @ MrsPweetty!